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Shop to order online!

Choose your goodies then tell us if you want to pick them up or want them delivered! 

Need something special but don't see it listed in the shop? Message us and let's talk about it!

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Mostly Healthy and Always Delicious!

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Find us on Facebook and Instagram! 

Aspire Cafe is not your average coffee shop-in fact, right now, we don't even serve coffee! But we hope to one day, and your support now can help us get there!


You should really read our "About Aspire" page to learn about our mission and dream. We hope that once you do, you will be excited to help us grow.




Cookies and Coffee

What we can offer right now:

"Mostly Healthy" Baked goodies:


Healthy eating is something we've always worked on with Samantha, and showing her that the sweet treats she loves can also be healthy is one of our primary goals this summer! 


**We are opening up our online store for LOCAL orders (within a 50 mile radius of Pace, Florida).

**We will collect orders through Thursday of each week at noon central time.

**Samantha (along with some helpers) will bake on Thursdays and package up all the goodies you've ordered.

**On Friday, your orders will be available to pick up from us, or, if you'd like to pay a little delivery fee, Samantha will bring your order to you! 


We are not currently set up or prepared to ship food items, but we are working on it, so check back here for updates on our progress!



Visit our Bonfire store for merchandise options! We are always updating the offerings there, so check back often and see what's new!


In addition to baking, Samantha loves painting! Keep an eye out for merch featuring her artwork!

If you'd like to support us monetarily, we appreciate your generosity and promise to put your financial trust to good use!

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